A dating app for music lovers. Connect with future friends and admirers through music. Learn more about artists, through your matches and their interests. Discover their listening spectrum. Vibe with each other at future concerts, shows, or a hip bar.
We all love music so why not connect and share the common interest together.
Tinder date, after tinder date, and you still only have a physical connection.
63% of daters said they would be more likely to use a dating app if they knew it was not only a physical connection, but a genuine one as well. go beyond physical attraction and discover your mutual interests.
No More Swiping - Genuine Connections
music is an incredible vehicle for expressing emotions and capturing our internal experience of life.
Understand people better by what they listen to daily.
True connections through:
music, similar interests, and geolocation.
Target market
Portland, OR
Female / Male
Age: 18-28
Income: $10,000 - $40,000
Passionate about music, creative, and artistic
the mvp (minimal viable product)
Out of 176 MUSIC+LOVERS......
75% of people said when meeting someone new, it is important to them that they have a similar taste in music
11% prefer to meet someone new online or dating app.
64% said that music + dating is important to them. (scale of 1-5)
37% of people said that meeting someone new based on the music they like will lead to a more meaningful relationship.
78% will be attending 2 or more concerts this year.
65% are willing to spend $50-$100 dollars on a first date.
Tinder - S: quick W: overwhelming
Bumble - S: 24hrs to reply W: not genuine